вторник, 15 януари 2013 г.

Blog your heart out <3

I was tagged by one of the best bloggers ever and also a lovely friend of mine Merrie Xristoforowa (to visit her amazing blog click here). I told her I will do the TAG some day this week but I couldn't wait so here it is:

There are five questions :)

1. What inspired you to start a blog?
- Oh, well, last summer I had the oportunity to be on this amazing place Leadership Academy GLOW which inspired me to do lots of things - one of them to start my own blog. In addition, I must say that Merrie had an effect on me because her blog is just one of a kind. At first I was scared to share things with people but in time I became much more confident and now I enjoy making posts here. :) 

2. How did you choose the theme of your blog?
- The theme of the blog is just ME if it could be called a theme at all. At the begining I was wandering a lot about the theme of the blog and finally I decided just to write about my own life and experience. It is the best decision because now I don't have any limits for writing :) 

3. What is the one thing that hardly anybody knows about?
- That's a hard one :D I don't know.. maybe that I'm interested in fire guns and martial arts.. 

4. Name three words that describe your style best:
- I think it's a mixture of styles, however: casual, comfortable, surprising :D 

5. What do you enjoy doing when you're not blogging?
- I really enojoy reading books and magazines, I enojoy watching movies and not at least going out with my friends. <3 

Now I should tag 5 people, so:
Radina Mancheva - Extracurricular <3
Nikoleta Bezegryanova - Into My Mind <3
Svetla Mihailova - Girl's temptations <3
Christinna Ivanova - Christinna <3
Simona Dimitrova - Glamorous Fairy Life <3

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